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Seminar// Toward Responsible Wealth Creation: A Call to Stewardship

Please save the date of 1 December for our next truly inspirational and visionary leadership event introducing Responsible Wealth Creation: A Call to Stewardship presented by the distinguished IMD professor of Finance and Governance Didier Cossin.


The deep economic and geopolitical malaise we continue to witness is eroding the global ability to create wealth, with a slide toward fragmentation and insularity. Business can be a key player in creating wealth for all for the long-term. This is the heart of Stewardship with its three requirements. First, the ability of chief executives, company owners, boards, and management to lead with impact, exercising leadership which has a clear vision and values, empowering and infusing organizational actors with a sense of purpose. Second, in recognizing that wealth creation cannot occur in a vacuum, but relies on relationships with an ecosystem of actors, stewardship acknowledges the essential importance of reinforcing societal well-being. Third, a willingness to sacrifice what is profitable today for what is beneficial in the long-term is essential in safeguarding the future and is a third requirement for stewardship. 

IMD Professor Didier Cossin will present to you his insights defining and further discussing the path to nurture Stewardship in all.


didierDidier Cossin is the founder and director of the IMD Global Board Center and Professor of Finance and Governance at IMD. He directs High Performance Boards, a program for supervisory board members and chairpersons. Didier Cossin and Ong Boon Hwee are the authors of the recently released book “Inspiring Stewardship". 


We are delighted to cordially invite you to the next IMD Alumni Club Event  

to be held on 1 December 2016

Toward Responsible Wealth Creation:

A Call to Stewardship


The Agenda

18:00 – 18:30 Registration
18:30 - 18:40 Introducing Professor Didier Cossin

18:40 - 20:00 Interactive presentation by Professor Cossin

20:00 – 21:00 Networking and refreshments


Please confirm your attendance by email sent to 
info@hst.cz with reference to your company, IMD Alumni Club membership or Chamber of Commerce Switzerland (HST)membership at your earliest convenience due to the limited capacity for this event.



Dress Code: Business Casual


Event Fee
The event is free for IMD Alumni Club members and HST members. The fee for guests is CZK 300.



from 01.12.2016 to 01.12.2016


Salvátorská 931/8, 110 00 Prague 1



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