HST.cz HST.en HST.de

French, Italian, Spanish and Swiss Chambers of Commerce invites you to a speed networking event where you have the opportunity to gain new business contacts in one place during one afternoon.
Great and efficient way how to present your company and services in a 10-minute "one to one" meetings and to discuss possible cooperation.


Speed Business Afternoon text

Partneři / Partners

ST logo CZ stojate cerne2 partner seclogo  partner koalice E21 logo SPCR LOGO VERTICAL CZ RGB 280x226 IMD Logo Blue RGB E21 logo HK logo PRAHA1 dole 1radek RGB


loga partneri 280x226 slunce 280x226 roska 280x226 Kudyznudy.cz - tipy na výlet  LOGO PFM 2






